Joshua will be 4 this October and is enrolled in Seton Home Study's Kindergarten program. Joe and I love how the program is a traditional, orthodox, Catholic program. I think he will learn more from his Kindergarten Catechism book then I learned during my entire time in the RCIA program. Seton is also very flexible. We can supplement where we feel there is a need, I can create my own lesson plans, or use theirs (Math, Phonics, Religion are the big 3 Lesson Plans they have - the others are create your own), and we can also bring in higher level studies if the student is more advanced. I am thinking that Joshua might fly through the Kindergarten Math and be ready for first grade Math in the middle of the year.
Here is a breakdown of his books:
Letters and Numbers
* Everywhere We Go (Christian)
* ABC Coloring Book (Catholic)
* Kindergarten Handwriting for Young Catholics
* Math K for Young Catholics
* 123 Coloring Book (Catholic)
* Songs of Praise (Catholic CD)
* Kindergarten Phonics for Young Catholics Vol. 1
* Kindergarten Phonics for Young Catholics Vol. 2
Physical Education
*Outside play and field trips
* Kindergarten Catechism for Young Catholics
* My Jesus and I
* Catholic Coloring Books (3)
* Leading Little Ones to Mary
* St. Joseph Picture Books (3)
* Kindergarten Science for Young Catholics
John-Michael will be doing preschool again this year. Last year I allowed him to flit in and out of our lessons. This year, I think he will be more interested in learning as he has to do EVERYTHING his older brother does.
We will be doing Making Music Praying Twice for our music and movement curriculum.
I had seen it in our Emmanuel Books catalog, but when I went to the IHM National Conference, I was able to put my hands on this curriculum and see it first hand. It is a wonderful, Catholic, "Kindermusik-like" program. The boys loved going to Kindermusik and we were disappointed we couldn't put them in this past year - but it is uber expensive. The cost of this program is less than 1 child in a 12 week session, plus I can use it year after year!! I am currently downloading all of the songs to my iPod Touch so that we can take the music anywhere we go!
Both boys will also be using Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons
Thanks to my AWESOME friend, Beth, we have one of the Faith and Freedom Catholic Readers from the 1950's.
We will be supplementing our science with the Usborne Science Activities books, and various projects found online.
John-Michael has been enrolled in Seton's Preschool program. It was set to be released August 15th, but that has been pushed back to September 15th. In the meantime, he will be doing Letter of the Week program that I glean from different sources such as Catholic Icing, Catholic Toolbox, Confessions of a Homeschooler, 1+1+1=1, and other online sources.
Have you finished your curriculum yet??
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